Health & Weight Loss Coaching

Do you struggle with one or more of these health or weight loss challenges?

  • Not knowing what foods, when, or how much to eat for YOUR body
  • Busy lifestyle that makes it hard to eat right
  • Debilitating chronic illness that leaves you feeling helpless and alone
  • Hidden medical conditions that contribute to feeling tired, sick and unwanted weight gain
  • Lacking accountability or the proper social support for achieving weight loss goals

Then Young Naturopathic Center for Wellness Health & Weight Loss Coaching is for you!

Many different types of health issues respond very well to natural treatment, including dietary changes. Often the biggest challenge is learning how to fit these into your lifestyle.

Most people don’t realize just how challenging and frustrating it can be to figure out exactly what your body needs you to do and eat for optimal health—let alone how to do it in a way that lets you enjoy life to the fullest. This is especially true when you are struggling with not feeling well, and/or have no one in your life who really gets what you are going through.

The Young Wellness Health & Weight Loss Coaching Solution (or from anywhere, actually)


Whether you are looking for a health coach in Los Gatos or one who can work with you remotely, Young Wellness Health & Weight Loss Coaching program can help you not only get on the right diet and feel your best.  We’ll also help you get off the weight-loss roller coaster, figure out what healthy is for you and step permanently into the healthy, trim body nature meant you to have.

Our health coaching programs can help you more quickly and effortlessly meet your wellness and weight loss goals, including:

  • Improved energy and productivity
  • Weight loss
  • Better sleep
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved relationships
  • Mental clarity
  • Enhanced athletic performance

Working in tandem with our medical staff, our certified health and weight loss coaches offer a wealth of professional knowledge and experience and a practical, real-world approach to healthful living. Even more importantly, they provide the compassionate support and accountability you need to achieve the vibrant health you want and deserve.

We offer health coaching for the following conditions:

  • Chronic Illnesses – Whether you suffer from a well-known disease like Diabetes fibromyalgia, or a lesser-known conditions such MTHFR (Methylation gene defect) or Grave’s disease, chronic illness can be physically and emotionally debilitating. Your Young Naturopathic Center for Wellness Health & Wellness Coach will work in tandem with our doctors to empower you with the right diet, strategies, and caring support to help you live a normal life again—or even say goodbye to chronic pain and illness forever.
  • Food Intolerance – Left undiagnosed and untreated, food intolerances or sensitivities can leave you feeling chronically sick, fat, and tired. Many people struggle to follow the elimination diets and food tracking protocols necessary to figure it all out. Our health coaches will work with our doctors to help you figure out exactly what to eliminate and for how long, and what to eat instead so you can quickly and confidently move forward towards regaining the vibrant health you want and deserve.
  • Weight Loss – Most people who come to us don’t know why they can’t lose weight. They just know that what they’ve tried in the past hasn’t worked, and they want a solid plan of action to fix it…for good. Our weight loss coaches work hand in hand with our medical staff to get to the root of why you can’t lose weight, and give you the support and expert advice you need to safely and permanently shed those extra pounds.
  • Diet Support – Finding the perfect diet is just half the battle. The other half is fitting it into your lifestyle. If you’d like to try a special diet (such as Paleo, Slow-Carb, or AIP), we can help eliminate the confusion and frustration surrounding it so you can accurately assess whether it will work for you. Or, let us help you bypass years of costly trial-and-error with a diet custom-designed just for you. Either way, you’ll learn exactly how to approach your diet so you can follow it with ease. Your health coach will also help you with meal planning and food preparation ideas that will help you enjoy your new protocol and avoid “falling off the wagon,” so you can keep feeling great for years to come.

Group and private health coaching in Los Gatos or Remotely via Phone or Skype

You deserve to have a diet and health improvement plan you can reasonably follow—and the social support and accountability you need to help you get through those inevitable rough patches in your journey back to vibrant health.

Because everyone’s needs are different, we offer a number of coaching package options to help any individual feel great and/or lose those extra pounds forever.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation Today