Facial Rejuvenation

Healthy skin starts with diet choices, hydration, a consistent skincare routine, quality sleep and daily sun protection. But as time passes, and the hallmark signs of aging become more pronounced, you may require something more.

Microneedling is a minimally-invasive skin treatment that bridges the gap between science and nature. Done alone or in combination with exosome therapy, this may be an ideal solution if you are looking for a holistic and effective way to revitalize your skin with little to no downtime. Request a consultation and discover how microneedling with exosomes can unlock your skin’s true potential.

What Is SkinPen Microneedling?

Microneedling taps into your body’s innate ability to heal and regenerate. Using an instrument equipped with tiny needles, a microneedling treatment gently pierces the skin to create micro-injuries. These micro-injuries, while nearly invisible to the naked eye, are catalysts for a powerful natural healing process. Your body rushes to heal the wounds by producing collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for maintaining skin’s elasticity and firmness.

The result? A complexion that’s not only smoother and more radiant but also tighter and more youthful looking. The micro-channels created during the procedure also enhance the absorption of your favorite topical creams, gels and serums so they can penetrate deeper and work more effectively. It’s like aerating your lawn to allow water, oxygen and nutrients to sink in and nourish the grass roots directly!

At the Young Naturopathic Center for Wellness, we believe using the correct equipment is one of the most critical factors in the success of a procedure. We carefully vet every piece of technology we offer and have chosen the FDA-cleared SkinPen as our microneedling device.

What Are Exosomes?

Imagine your body’s cells as a community of chatty neighbors, constantly exchanging news and updates to keep the whole neighborhood thriving. Exosomes are the mail carriers and telephone lines delivering these crucial messages.

Exosomes are tiny vesicles that our cells release into the surrounding environment. They contain materials like proteins, lipids and genetic information that they deliver to other cells, creating pathways of communication. These biological packages contain instructions that help our cells understand what they need to do next.

In the context of regenerative medicine, we can use exosomes to trigger specific, desirable body processes. Exosomes can be used in hair restoration to tell dormant follicles how to function more effectively, and in skin treatments, exosomes can boost the skin’s natural ability to repair and renew itself.

Why Combine SkinPen Microneedling With Exosomes?

Sometimes two is better than one, and that’s certainly the case when we’re talking about microneedling and exosomes. The combination of these powerhouse treatments supercharges your results.

As microneedling triggers your body’s healing response through micro-injuries, the regenerative messages carried by the exosomes encourage even more robust tissue repair and rejuvenation. The micro-channels act as direct pathways to the deeper layers of your skin, giving the exosomes a VIP pass to areas where they can have the greatest impact.

Adding exosomes to your SkinPen microneedling treatment achieves more significant and longer-lasting benefits. With these two synergistic therapies, we can amplify your body’s natural processes, address a variety of common skin concerns and reduce the time needed for your skin to heal.

What Can Microneedling With Exosomes Treat?

The dynamic duo of microneedling and exosomes can trigger a variety of benefits, including:

  • Diminished fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhanced skin elasticity
  • Smoother skin texture
  • More even skin tone
  • Minimized pores
  • Reduced appearance of scars from acne, injury or surgery
  • Improved skin hydration and radiance
  • Enhanced absorption of skincare products

These treatments don’t just offer results you can see. Underneath the surface, microneedling and exosomes set the stage for lasting skin health by rebuilding collagen and elastin. This ensures your skin remains plump, glowing and youthful long after your treatment session.

Who Can Benefit From Microneedling With Exosomes?

Microneedling with exosomes is a versatile treatment that can be tailored to suit a wide range of skin tones and ages. If you’re wary of surgical interventions, chemicals or synthetic injectables, microneedling with exosomes offers a more holistic approach. It harnesses your body’s innate healing capabilities, making it a natural, yet effective, way to refresh your skin.

Ideal candidates appreciate that true skin rejuvenation isn’t an overnight phenomenon. While some benefits can be visible shortly after treatment, the most significant transformations occur over weeks as collagen and elastin rebuild.

We will help you decide whether microneedling with exosomes is right for you during a complimentary consultation. If you are a candidate for the treatment, we will customize the treatment settings and number of treatment sessions to address your specific skin type, concerns and desired results.

What Should I Expect During My Treatment?

Your skin will be thoroughly cleansed to remove any traces of makeup, dirt or oils. This ensures a clean slate, maximizing the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. To ensure your comfort, a topical numbing cream can be applied to the treatment area. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes to take effect, during which you can relax, read or chat with us.

To use the SkinPen device, a skilled practitioner will glide the tip of the device across your skin. You might feel pressure or a light prickling sensation, but it’s generally well-tolerated by patients.

The exosomes are used as a topical serum with the microneedling. The micro-channels created by the needles allow the exosomes to penetrate deep into your skin, reaching the optimal depth for stimulating collagen and elastin growth.

What Does Microneedling Recovery Involve?

After your treatment, your skin might be slightly red and tender, similar to mild sunburn. You may also notice some swelling or pinpoint bleeding. These are all normal reactions that indicate your skin is beginning its natural healing process. For most patients, the redness and swelling diminish within 24 to 48 hours.

Your skin will be more sensitive post-procedure. Moisturize regularly to combat dryness and expedite healing, and wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily. Temporarily stop using exfoliants, retinoids and any other products or ingredients that might irritate your skin.

There is no required downtime after microneedling with exosomes. You are welcome to return to your daily activities with few restrictions, although it’s best to avoid strenuous exercise and makeup for at least 24 hours after your treatment. You will receive complete aftercare instructions before you leave our office.

When Will I See Results?

The results of your treatment will unfold in stages. You may notice a brighter glow within the first day or two post-procedure. As your skin continues its healing process, your complexion may start to feel smoother, and you may see improvements in fine lines, texture and tone.

The true magic of microneedling and exosome therapy lies in their long-term benefits. Over the span of weeks and months, new collagen and elastin fibers continue to grow. This is when you may notice improvements in more advanced concerns, such as deeper wrinkles, pigmentation, scarring and skin laxity.

How Often Should I Have Skinpen Treatments?

The results of these treatments are cumulative. For best results, we often suggest starting with an initial series of treatments. Appointments are usually spaced four to six weeks apart to allow your skin to regenerate fully before your next treatment. We will work with you one-on-one to create a maintenance schedule that ensures your complexion always looks radiant and refreshed.

Renew Your Skin the Natural Way

Aging, sun damage, environmental factors and lifestyle choices leave their mark on your skin. With the combination of microneedling and exosomes, we can magnify your body’s natural ability to heal itself and address many common cosmetic complaints below the skin surface.

We invite you to learn more about this innovative treatment by calling 408-761-6781 or directly requesting your complimentary consultation. The team at the Young Naturopathic Center for Wellness is committed to helping you look and feel your best every day.