Does Sex Make You Gain Weight?

Are you in a happy relationship and do you think you have been putting on weight ever since your first sexual encounter? You must have discussed the belief that regular sex makes one gain weight with your partner or that best friend of yours. But, have you came to a conclusion? Well, let’s debunk the myth here!
Sex DOES NOT make you gain weight, but wait… Hormonal Imbalance of Sex Hormones can actually contribute to weight gain. Some of you may be thinking you’re too young for hormonal imbalance issues, but a normal, healthy woman could start feeling perimenopausal symptoms as young as 34 years old. Perimenopause is the period of a woman’s life shortly before the occurrence of the menopause.
What Causes the Hormonal Imbalance?
There are many factors that leads to hormonal changes and fluctuations such as genetics, stress, diet, lifestyle and other hormones. Not to mention the impact of toxins and synthetic chemicals that act as estrogens in your body. Your unexpected weight gain may be due to deficiencies associated with hormonal imbalances like premature perimenopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or unexpected hormone dominance or deficiency of sex hormones – estrogen, progesterone, testosterone or DHEA.
Here’s more about Sex Hormones:
• DHEA is a precursor to male and female sex hormones and if you’re deficient in this hormone, the others may be working harder than they need to…curves gone overboard.
• Estrogen actually is comprised of three collective estrogens; estrone, estradiol, estriol, also referred to as E1, E2, and E3. Primarily produced from the ovaries, secondarily from the adrenal glands; it has many functions, including adding lovely lady curves by increasing fat deposits in your stomach, waist and thighs.
• Progesterone functions much like estrogen, contributes to sexual maturation, prepares and sustains the female body during pregnancy. Deficient progesterone levels could allow estrogen to go wild and deposit fat everywhere…curves gone astray.
Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance
Having your hormones checked on a regular interval can help diagnose unexpected weight gain. If you’re experiencing any of the following signs, have your hormones checked from a reputed lab or women’s healthcare center. Below mentioned are few symptoms of hormonal imbalance:
• Weight gain, especially around the waist and thighs
• Menstrual cycle shortening or lengthening by 2-4 days
• Hot flashes
• Increased vaginal dryness
• Sleep problems
• Mood swings
• Breast tenderness
• Decreased sex drive
• Brain Fog/Low Concentration
• Night Sweats
• Anxiety/Depression
• Dry skin and hair
Hormonal imbalance is rising among women in the USA, the best way to stay safe is lead a healthy lifestyle and do regular health checkups!
For more information on hormone imbalance and replacement therapies, such as body contouring at Young Naturopathic Wellness Center schedule an appointment below.
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