Just as everyone has different health issues, every person reacts differently to different food. There are people whose bodies cannot process certain foods; the most common food intolerances are to dairy, gluten, nuts, soy, corn, chocolate, and eggs. So what happens if you are intolerant to a particular food group? When the body is unable…
Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS is unfortunately an all too common endocrine disorder that affects many women, and is one of the major causes of infertility. Women who have this condition may have ovaries that are enlarged with follicles or small fluid collections in each ovary. PCOS can eventually give rise to devastating conditions like…
If you are not getting enough sleep, your entire world can become unbearable. Insomnia is unfortunately an all too common issue that affects nearly every human being at some point of time or other; for some, it may be just a temporary thing whereas for some, it could be a chronic condition that affects their daily lives.
There is nothing more frustrating that to be feeling unwell and not having answers. Many women who eventually end up coming to see me in my clinic (I’m talking about women in their 40s and 50s, because that’s when most of the health problems start appearing) tell me that they have gone to other doctors or specialists because they have a ‘feeling’ that there is something wrong with them, but often come back with a band-aid to their symptoms or without getting any solutions at all.
Once we enter the fourth decade in our lives, we become more prone to certain diseases and physiological conditions that may stay with us for the rest of our lives. These include: heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, and so on; you are also likely to be more vulnerable to stroke and cancer as the years…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYp0OR5TSww I hope you found the video on ‘How IV Therapy Can Help to Boost your Immunity’ useful. We regularly recommend IV therapy for any patients suffering from immune issues. In this video I will talk to you about IV therapy for athletes. No, you don’t have to an Olympic level athlete! If you are involved…
The word “vitamin” stems from vita, the Latin word for “life,” which also gave rise to the words “vital” and “vitality.” And vitamins are, indeed, a vital thing when it comes to feeling full of vim, vigor, and vitality! Your body needs adequate supplies of 13 essential vitamins for optimal health: vitamins A, C, D,…
I want to chat with you today about being proactive in your pursuit of wellness. In America today, we don’t have wellness care, nor do we have health care… we have disease care. Often, by the time we get ourselves to the doctor because something has been bugging us for months (or years) it’s too…