Is Your Body Ready for Another Pandemic Wave?

It’s a big question, and we don’t want to cause you any panic or additional stress, but it is important to take a rational look at your health, especially when we are in the middle of another COVID-19 wave. Even if COVID-19 were not an issue, pandemics are random by nature, and there is no way to know when the next coronavirus or Spanish flu will materialize. No matter who you are, there is always a risk that you will contract this virus or whatever virus comes next.
But if you are vigilant about your health and remain conscientious about the signs your body is giving you, you can give yourself a much better chance of giving your next illness — whether it’s pandemic related or just a common cold — a bigger fight. Feeling weak, bloated or having trouble getting out of bed in the morning can all be signs that show something is out of balance in your body.
The best way to figure out how your body will cope with contracting an illness during a pandemic is to get a better understanding of your general health. Here are some of the most critical areas to consider when it comes to overcoming the risks of a pandemic.
Immune System Health
Your immune system is your frontline when it comes to fighting off viruses and other illnesses. Those who are immunocompromised (have weakened immune systems) are considered to be at substantially more risk of having severe effects from the illness than other people. People with weakened immune systems become sick more often than those who are not immunocompromised. They also tend to have much more severe reactions to illnesses.
If you are chronically sick, are quick to catch colds or the flu, have more severe reactions to illnesses than those around you or have certain underlying conditions, you may have some problems with your immune system. Of course, the deficits may also be caused by a lack of nutrition in some cases.
Here is a list of some of the things you may experience with a weakened immune system:
- Frequent illness
- Difficulty getting out of bed
- Joint aches and pains
- Full body aches
- Rashes
- Fatigue
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Frequently cold hands or feet
- Difficulty swallowing or lump in the throat
- Mood swings
- Poor memory
- Sinus problems
- Nasal drip
A variety of factors can cause problems with your immune system, but here are some of the most common:
- Epstein-Barr Virus
- Lyme Disease
- Mycoplasma pneumonia
- Lymphoma
- Hashimoto’s Disease
- Hypothyroidism
- Lupus
- Vitamin deficiencies
- Food intolerance
- Allergies Food intolerance Heavy metal exposure
- Chemical exposure
If you think you might have immune system issues or are unsure but would like to get a better idea of your risk, you can take our online immune system health self-assessment.
Stomach and Digestion Health
It might seem weird, but having a strong stomach and digestion health is an integral part of keeping your overall wellness up and making sure you are ready if you contract COVID-19 or any other virus or illness out there. If your stomach doesn’t feel right, you probably have to be selective about the types of food you are eating, which generally means your nutrition isn’t as well rounded.
Without a well-rounded, balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals that help keep you healthy, you are likely opening yourself up to more of a risk of contracting an illness and also having more severe reactions to whatever sickness you catch. If you experience any of the following, you may be dealing with stomach and digestion health issues:
- Excessive or frequent bloating
- Excessive or frequent belching
- Frequently bad breath despite healthy dental hygiene
- Bouts of diarrhea
- Loose, watery stool
- Constipation
- Dry stool
- Greasy stool, or stool that sticks to the toilet bowl
- Dark or tar-like stool
- Difficulty losing weight
- Loss of appetite or nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Darkening or yellowing of eyes
Stomach and digestive problems can be caused by:
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
- Heartburn or acid reflux
- Infection with yeast
- Fungus or bacteria
- Food intolerance
- Stomach ulcer
- Leaky gut
- Celiac Disease
- Colon cancer
If you feel like you might be having some trouble with your digestive system or stomach, try taking our stomach and digestive health self-assessment to get more information.
Heart Health
The heart takes on a lot of the daily strain, both physically and metaphorically. When you are under stress (sickness, anxiety, etc.), your heart is typically working overtime to keep up with the demands placed on your body. When something as problematic as the coronavirus hits, your heart will continue to work even while you rest in bed. It is an extraordinarily resilient organ, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect to take care of it before it becomes crucial to be in good heart health.
Knowing what to look for is half the battle when it comes to understanding your current heart health. Here are some common symptoms patients with heart problems report:
- Difficulty leaving bed
- Weight gain coupled with fatigue
- Shortness of breath walking up hills
- Body aches
- Heart palpitations
- Irregular heartbeat
- Lightheadedness
- Anxiety
- Headaches
- Pale or white fingernails
- Increased fatigue
Heart problems can be caused by a variety of factors, some less or more severe than others. But here are some of the most common:
- Heart arrhythmia
- Coronary blockages
- Aneurysm
- Cardiomegaly
- Myocarditis
- Angina
- Genetic issues
You should take our online heart health self-assessment if you think you have any of these conditions or symptoms. Then, give our office a call at (408) 761-6781 or fill out our online contact form on that same page.
Chronic Fatigue
You are well aware of the feeling: you wake up in the morning, unable to go back to sleep, but your body feels like you just finished running a marathon. You might even experience some pain or body aches when you feel fatigued, and you’ve developed noticeable bags underneath your eyes from not being able to rest. You stay in bed longer than you should, and your whole day — like many days before this one — is completely thrown off and rushed. No matter how much caffeine you consume or water you drink, you can’t feel as energetic as you once did.
If this sounds remotely familiar, you can take solace in knowing that plenty of other people have the same experience you do every morning. While many things can cause chronic fatigue, here is an abridged list of indicators that could point to you suffering from this condition:
- Difficulty getting out of bed
- Pain with fatigue
- Tired but can’t sleep
- Body aches
- Fatigue persistent for more than three years
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Stretch marks
- Bags under your eyes
- Poor memory
- Mood changes
These conditions can be caused by a variety of factors, such as:
- Low iron
- Anemia
- Low sex hormones
- Vitamin deficiencies
- Autoimmune conditions (lupus, HIV, etc.)
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Thyroid problems
- Lyme’s Disease
- Allergies
- Food Intolerance
If you are experiencing any of these conditions or suspect that you might have an issue with chronic fatigue, you can take our chronic fatigue self-assessment to determine the likelihood that you have an underlying problem.
How Do I Find Out the State of My General Health?
With all the worry of virus exposure, it is reasonable to assume that everyone who can do a project at home — rather than an office or facility — would prefer to stay at home. Luckily, there are readily available, easy-to-read tests that can be taken home and run to get a better idea of the key components you are deficient on.
The tests use both blood and urine and cover more than 125 biomarkers, including antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, fatty acids, digestive support and other select nutrients. The results of the test will then be used to develop a personalized recommendation. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get a quick gauge on your overall health.
How to Boost Your Health and Resistance Against the Pandemic
If you find that your health in any of these categories could use some improvement, we offer a host of options that can help bolster your health and increase your ability to fight off any virus or illness and contend with any other diseases.
One of the most accessible is IV Therapy, which can be used to help address conditions like vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, general fatigue, lethargy, nausea, dehydration, mood swings, weight loss difficulties, immune deficiency, mental clarity issues, decreases in cognitive functions, anxiety, depression, stress and even poor sleep quality.
IV Therapy is a procedure that can be done in-office in 30 minutes with virtually no pain or discomfort. The blend of substances for your therapy will be tailored specifically to your unique conditions.
Having regular dietary supplements can also improve various conditions like bone health, immune function, energy, metabolism, digestion, stress, mood and even reduce the risk of chronic disease. There are many different types of supplements you can take, and one of our wellness medical professionals will work with you to figure out precisely what your body needs. Here is a list of some common dietary supplements:
- Calcium
- Fish Oil
- Ginseng
- Melatonin
- B Vitamins
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Zinc
- Reishi Mushrooms
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Probiotics
- Fish Oil
- Fiber
- St John’s Wort
- Selenium
COVID-19 Testing
Young Naturopathic Center for Wellness is now offering COVID testing to find out if you were already exposed to the virus. If you would like to find out if you are naturally immunized from a previous infection, a COVID test is the only way to get that information. You can click here for more details about our coronavirus testing. Please note that we are not doing any testing for patients who believe they are currently infected.
For more information about how you can best prepare your body to deal with this pandemic and other future illnesses, give our office a call at (408) 761-6781 0r fill out our online contact form. We look forward to helping you on your wellness journey.