Heavy Metal from the 80s
It was 1985 and Dee Snider from Twisted Sister was named a public enemy by a group of parents trying to censor lyrics of heavy metal music. I was sure I knew everything about metal then. Too bad those Mom’s didn’t focus on all the lead paint their kids had been chewing on in toys from the ’60-’70s instead! Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, and Cadmium are the most common metals we are exposed to.
So, if we are not getting a heavy metal on the radio just where are we getting it from?
- Mercury like all metals are found in nature. It is more harmful when it is heated and in its vapor form, it can become toxic to the body. Naturally, soil and rocks contain mercury. An example of nature emitting mercury would be a forest fire or a volcano erupting. Humans can be exposed to mercury that settles in water especially from seafood. In dental health, mercury fillings are the most harmful when they are heated back up and create methyl-mercury which is the vapor form.
- Lead, lustrous lead, it shimmers so nice that we use to use it in makeup. It is more well known to be found in paint. Sadly there are lots of children’s toys that used to have lead paint in them. Wires for electronics often contain lead in them as well. Lead dust used to be on all the electronic parts of computers and copiers. When the fan would kick on to cool this equipment down lovely lead would launch into the air.
- Arsenic is something I think of most in pressed lumber and paper goods. Manufacturing plants will often release some metals into the environment. Thankfully the EPA has become much better about regulations on those things.
- Cadmium is found in many fertilizers. It is seen in many industries as a fossil fuel. We can even find cadmium in cigarettes. Often those people most exposed are innocent bystanders. Given the time frame, I grew up in, going to bars when I turned 21. They were loaded with smokers. I would literally come home from a night out and have to shower because the smell was so bad. I can just imagine what toxic effects that air must have had; especially in all of those New York Bars where I would go dancing – GROSS!
I want to make sure we are being logical and not paranoid about these metals. They are part of our environment. We need to be cautious about them. If you feel you have been exposed there are some really simple inexpensive tests we can do to figure it out.
Here are some of the symptoms of metal exposure:
- Nervous System abnormalities like numbness, tingling, and weakness
- Memory Changes
- Heart Irregularities such as enlargement or irregular heartbeat
- Chronic Dehydration
- Organ failure
- Changes in behavior
- Lines on the nails
- Pitting on the hands and feet
- Chronic miscarriages
- Extreme fatigue
- Body aches
- Hair loss
This list is pretty general in terms of symptoms. We could blame any other things on the above list. If you are not having results with your current health consider getting tested for metal exposure.