Time Saving Tips For Healthy Eating

The other day, I was on a girl date with my best friends. Our conversation was mainly about food because we love food!! Healthy eating was at the top of our conversation. Basically, she was complaining about how hard it is. I fully agreed. As we chatted more I realized she doesn’t do some basic time-saving things that I do to keep my family healthy. I thought you guys might like me to share the 3 top things I do to keep it easy for me.

Make snack baskets:
Divide the food into small-size snack packs to grab it on-the-go. Make sure each member of the family has their own basket. I do this to make sure there is no attitude from my little guy that he doesn’t like the choices. I make him participate. Don’t forget to include nuts, seeds, coconut chips, and your favorite Paleo jerky sticks. It really is important people have a say about what is in there or it will stay there forever!
Make your lunch at dinner time.
When you are cooking dinner, cook more so that you can take it for the next day lunch box. I call this my 1950’s housewife tip, before food was so convenient is was calorically appropriate. This way you are making choices while you are full and not irrationally eating because you waited too long. Easy and time-saving!
Back stock your meals
Cooking takes time and doing the same process over and over is pointless. So when you are cooking, try to do it as a one-time process. Cook more and store it in a freezer. I try to make at least one big pot of something per week, enough to have left over for one more meal and back stock 2 meals. You needn’t worry about cooking every night if you can pull a meal out of the freezer.
If have endless meetings, deadlines, your boss had assigned another major task and things are getting busier and busier in your life – get a better plan to succeed. If you want to perform as a high functioning individual, then good nutrition is a must. Limiting your quality food intake with fast food and empty calories will only make you feel tired, lethargic and lacking any willpower to keep up with your hectic life.
Use some time-saving tips and get a plan that is right for you. Drop into our clinic to have a complimentary consultation with the experts. We can give you a professional diet plan for re-energizing your body.
At the Young Naturopathic Center for Wellness, we can tell you how you can enjoy lifelong good health, after a consultation – which we are offering free! Once we establish what is causing any of your health concerns, we can come up with a wellness plan specially formulated to get you on the road to optimum health.
To know more details, do watch my video and visit our clinic; you are also welcome to send in your questions, and I will be happy to answer them. Also, if you have any time-saving tips, please include them in the comments below!