Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Functional Medicine Just Got Better At YNC

Sit in comfort or lay down for a nap in one of our two FDA-approved HBOT units

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been around for decades. The first recorded unit was created in 1662 by Nathaniel Henshaw as a therapy for decompression syndrome in divers. Our modern units have come a long way. They are much more comfortable than these early inspirational units. We even have speakers installed so you can listen to a book on tape, podcast or your favorite tunes.

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How does HBOT work?

Using increased atmospheric pressure along with increasing inspired or inhaled oxygen equals hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Oxygen is life. Oxygen drives our mitochondria to produce ATP which is our energetic currency in the body. Each single red blood cell can carry ONE BILLION oxygen molecules! This capacity provides cells with the energy they need to perform every possible function in the body, which is what makes HBOT so important as an additional therapy to your continued health and well-being. And all of this happens at our leading naturopathic clinic here in the Bay Area.

What is the physical effect of HBOT on the body?

HBOT is more than just a high-tech way to get your oxygen fix. This mega-dose of O2 has the potential to positively impact your body in a variety of ways:

  • Brain activity: HBOT improves brain function and metabolic activity, increasing blood flow and microstructure, which can lead to better cognitive and physical functions, sleep and gait.
  • Wound healing: HBOT is known to promote new blood vessels and wound healing. It will also reduce swelling in injured areas.
  • Immune system: HBOT can improve your immune system by blocking harmful bacteria, viruses and other infections, as well as disabling bacterial toxins. It is also known to aid in healing from auto-immune diseases as well as mycotoxin or mold exposure
  • Metabolic homeostasis: HBOT improves metabolic health, especially glucose metabolism.
  • Pain: HBOT can improve pain, which can improve quality of life for patients with anything from injuries, to aches and pains, or even long COVID or another chronic infection such as Lyme.
  • Stem cell regulation: HBOT can promote tissue regeneration by stem cells and increase stem cell release while killing senescent aka “Zombie cell” cells that make us older.
  • Musculoskeletal restoration: HBOT can be an effective tool against degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal system. It can also enhance blood flow to tissues and reduce inflammation.
  • Skin and collagen rejuvenation: HBOT is well known to generate new skin tissue and treat a variety of conditions, which certainly can’t hurt with the age lines!
  • Autonomic Nervous System: HBOT can help with the many stress receptors in our body regulating from a state of fight or flight to resting and digesting. It is essential to balance our autonomic nervous system in order to be relaxed and able to take on stress.

At Young Naturopathic Center for Wellness, we recognize all of the ways HBOT can assist our patients to achieve optimal health and vitality. From improving physical performance and reducing signs of aging, to accelerating wound healing and managing chronic illnesses, we may only be scratching the surface of what this versatile therapy can do!

What health conditions are treated by HBOT?

HBOT treatments are approved for some conditions by the FDA, Medicare and many private insurance companies. Other well-known treatments are not yet an FDA-approved application, but all are well documented, known and studied uses.

Here are some of the more common conditions:

  • Sports injuries and athletic recovery
  • Wound healing post-surgical recovery and non-healing wounds
  • Lyme disease and its co-infections
  • Arthritis and other inflammatory conditions
  • Multiple sclerosis symptoms
  • Chronic pain
  • Symptoms of autoimmunity
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Diabetic wound healing
  • Migraines and cluster headaches
  • Radiation-induced injury and long-term damage
  • Stroke, acute and chronic symptoms
  • Bone infection (osteomyelitis)
  • Brain trauma, including chronic inflammation and acute swelling
  • Concussion, acute and chronic relief of symptoms
  • Neurological and mental health conditions
  • Decompression sickness (DCS)
  • Collagen building and skin rejuvenation
  • Skin conditions
  • Anemia (severe anemia when blood transfusions cannot be used)
  • Periodontitis – especially aggressive cases
  • Poisoning of carbon monoxide and cyanide
  • Sudden vision or hearing loss due to blood flow blockage
  • Improved mental capacity
  • Improved VO2 max and enhanced athletic performance
  • Sleep disorders
  • Possible improvement in biological age

If you are suffering from something not listed, please reach out. There are few things hyperbarics do not support. It’s our job to help you decide when HBOT is best for reaching your health goals and treating the conditions you currently have. Our experienced doctors will assess your needs and recommend an individualized plan that is right for you.

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Who can’t do HBOT?

  • In lung conditions where there are chances of lung collapse
  • Ear injury and thoracic surgery
  • Active Upper respiratory tract infection
  • Pregnancy
  • Pneumothorax
  • Uncontrolled hypothermia
  • A claustrophobic individual
  • Seizure disorders and epilepsy

How should I prepare for my HBOT session?

It’s easy to prepare for your HBOT session. Before your first treatment, you will have a consultation so we can review your medical history, discuss your concerns and goals, and answer all your questions. We will also talk about how hyperbaric treatments work and what you can expect your session to be like from start to finish, so there are no surprises.

The main things we recommend for your session are:

  • Eat one hour before your appointment. Having a snack or light meal beforehand can help maintain stable blood sugar levels throughout the session.
  • Wear comfortable clothing. HBOT sessions typically last one to two hours. Loose-fitting clothing allows you to relax and adjust position without feeling restricted. Choose natural fibers like cotton.
  • Pack a snack and water for after your treatment.

What is it like to have an HBOT treatment?

We strive to make your HBOT sessions as comfortable and convenient as possible. Here’s what you can expect during your visit:

During Treatment:

  • Entering the chamber: You will have chosen a seated or lying down unit that suits your comfort. If you have had recent surgery or are not ambulatory, we will assist you in and out of the chamber.
  • Pressurization: Our HBOT-certified staff will increase the air pressure in the chamber. You may experience a sensation of fullness in your ears, similar to what you feel during airplane travel. Otherwise, you feel very normal.
  • Oxygen administration: During your treatment, you will use a comfortable mask, hood or nasal cannula administered throughout the treatment.
  • Treatment duration: Most HBOT sessions last for 60 to 90 minutes. During this time, you can listen to music or a podcast, book on tape, meditate or simply rest comfortably. Your chamber remains at your prescribed treatment pressure throughout your session.
  • Communication and monitoring: A provider will remain nearby throughout your session. They will be able to communicate with you via intercom and will continuously monitor pressure levels and oxygen flow to ensure your safety and comfort
  • Depressurization: The air pressure inside the chamber will gradually decrease over a few minutes. You may again experience a sensation of ear popping.
  • Exiting the chamber: Once the pressure has normalized, your provider will open the chamber and assist you as you exit.
  • Reorientation: Some patients say they need a few minutes to “get their bearings” before they continue with their day. You may also want a snack to raise your blood sugar to a comfortable level.

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What should I expect after HBOT?

You may still experience a feeling of fullness or popping in your ears after the session, similar to when you descend in an airplane. This is usually temporary and can be relieved by yawning, swallowing or using decongestant nasal sprays.

In most cases, you can resume your normal activities after a session. However, you may want to allow yourself time to relax and recharge. HBOT can be slightly draining for some people, so listen to your body and take it easy if that’s what it’s telling you.

What not to do after HBOT?

After your HBOT session, you should avoid the following for at least 24 hours:

  • Try to avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea and colas
  • Avoid hot showers or tub baths (lukewarm is best)
  • Avoid driving or traveling to higher altitudes

How to get the best results after your HBOT session?

  • Eat clean — add in some bone broth or healing foods
  • Hydrate — drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water
  • Consider a cold plunge if you are already an experienced plunger
  • Try adding red light therapy
  • Sleep and keep yourself zen

Why choose Young Naturopathic Center for Wellness for HBOT?

There should be no cutting corners when it comes to your health. You deserve the very best. At Young Naturopathic Center for Wellness, we’ve invested in state-of-the-art HBOT equipment to ensure that our clients receive the highest quality care available. Our spacious chambers are designed with your comfort and safety in mind, allowing you to relax and focus on your healing journey.

Our commitment to excellence doesn’t stop with our facilities. Our team of highly qualified and experienced Naturopathic Doctors, led by Dr. Renee Young, is dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care to every patient. Whether you’re suffering from chronic health issues, a busy professional who needs some TLC, a dedicated athlete or simply a person looking to enjoy the most energy and vitality you can, our doctors will work with you to develop a treatment plan that helps you achieve your goals.

Getting started with hyperbaric oxygen therapy at our Los Gatos clinic is easy

We believe that true health and vitality come from within. By harnessing the power of your body’s innate healing mechanisms and supporting them with cutting-edge therapies like HBOT, our Naturopathic Doctors can help you achieve a level of wellness and resilience you never thought possible.

If you need more information, we invite you to take the first step and schedule a complimentary consultation with our Patient Care Concierge Team today to discuss our process.

If you feel good and would like to get started, book your visit with one of our qualified doctors today.

BOOK HERE – This consultation requires a credit card. Your 30-minute consultation requires you to fill out a form prior to our visit. The consultation fee is $295. If you decide to move forward with HBOT at our clinic within 30 calendar days of your visit, you will receive $100 off a package of 6 or more or $200 off a package of 12 or more HBOT sessions, aka Dives.

48 business hours are required to cancel. Cancellation fees are the full visit and are non-refundable and not able to be applied to future visits.

Current pricing and packages are as follows:

  • Individual Sessions (60 minutes) — $345 per hour
  • 6 packs — $295 each
  • 12 packs — $245 each
  • For packages of 20-60 inquire for pricing

Note: If you have been seen by our clinic in the past, you can contact us by logging into your portal or text our team at 408-761-6781.

We look forward to serving you.

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Your HBOT FAQs Answered

If you don’t see your question answered here, please reach out to our knowledgeable team for more information.

Is HBOT covered by insurance?

The answer is often… Please check with your provider.

How many HBOT sessions are typically needed?

This varies depending on your personal health needs and goals. Most clients undergo a series of 6-40 sessions over the course of days, weeks or months. Some conditions may require more extensive treatment. Our team will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that maximizes your results.

Can HBOT be combined with other treatments?

Yes! HBOT can be safely combined with a variety of other treatments, including IV therapy, nutritional support and our many anti-aging and longevity therapies like hormone replacement therapy. Many patients have boasted improved aesthetic treatments including exosome facials and a variety of hair restoration treatments. In fact, combining HBOT with other treatments can enhance their results and speed up your healing process.

What does HBOT feel like?

HBOT is typically a painless, comfortable experience. The most common sensation you might experience is a feeling of fullness or popping in your ears during pressurization and depressurization. Most people find the session relaxing and some even take the opportunity to nap.

How can I clear my ears during HBOT?

Swallowing, yawning or gently blowing your nose while pinching your nostrils closed can help clear your ears during pressurization and depressurization. Your doctor might recommend using decongestant nasal spray before or after your session to help limit ear discomfort.

Is anyone not a candidate for hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

HBOT may not be suitable for everyone. Certain health conditions (such as untreated pneumothorax, severe congestive heart failure, recent ear surgery or certain types of lung disease), seizure disorders, epilepsy as well as pregnancy and claustrophobia, as well as other possible conditions.

Additionally, some medications and supplements may interact negatively with this therapy, so it’s important to disclose all your current treatments to your doctor before beginning treatment.

What are the risks of HBOT?

Your safety and well-being are our top priorities. While hyperbaric oxygen therapy is considered a safe and well-tolerated treatment, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects and risks associated with this therapy.

The most common side effects of HBOT are mild and temporary, and may include:

  • Ear pain or discomfort due to changes in pressure
  • Sinus pain or congestion
  • Temporary changes in vision
  • Fatigue or lightheadedness immediately following treatment
  • Seizures

Are there any age restrictions for HBOT?

HBOT is generally safe and well-tolerated for people of all ages, from children to seniors. However, some conditions may require special considerations or modifications to the treatment protocol.

How often should I do HBOT?

The recommended session frequency depends on your specific condition and treatment plan. Your doctor will determine the optimal number of sessions and schedule based on your individual needs. Typically, sessions range from one to two hours and are conducted daily or several times a week, depending on your condition and goals

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