It’s About your Face

When you meet someone your face is the first thing they see. Whether we like it or not – your face is a big part of a first impression.

Here are the treatment options you can consider head to toe:


  • PRP for growing back your own hair
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for correcting issues that maybe the reason why you are losing your hair
  • Nutritional testing to see what nutrients you are deficient in so we can replace them
  • Supplements to support here (great plug to learn about which ones you should purchase – sign on to your full script account and buy now)


  • PRP Facial fine lines and hyperpigmentation and to give a more youthful appearance
  • Hyaluronic Acid Collagen Treatment
  • Skin care products to help you grown new skin (add in link and code to buy our skin care products)
  • Supplements to support your skin (learn which ones – link to log in buy here options)
  • Coolsculpting for double chins and lose platysmal bands (aka turkey waddles)

Aging is very natural, the body changes. If you are not happy with what you see, there are easy things to make significant to get back to a more youthful pre-baby you. Even if kids happened 20 years ago!