I hate to keep harping on this, but lives are at stake. Heart disease is a serious threat to your health. In 2016, it killed 610,000 Americans: one out of every four deaths in this country. And the sad thing is, all many if not most of these individuals needed was an ounce of prevention,…
If you’ve been following me lately, you know the grim picture: 610,000 people die each year in the U.S. from heart disease. That’s one out of every four deaths, and it affects both men and women. While many of the risk factors for this silent killer are lifestyle choices, there are some that we can’t…
As I am a naturopathic doctor, a lot of people ask me whether they should do a cleanse. My emphatic response is “Yes! But before you do….”. So, what does it mean and why do you need to do one? We sometimes abuse our bodies with either too much physical activity or too little, eating the wrong foods and at wrong times, some medicines can also be harmful for the body.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4_FttUPT_o&t=11s Getting educated needs to be your top priority and we understand that! In the video above, I describe how exactly Young Wellness Juice Cleanse Works and what differentiates us! Through this video, I have explained the functions of juice cleansing in your body. Our juice cleansing program starts with extensive preparation and ends with…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VaSOkdHcJU Thank You for being with us through the journey of educating yourself about Young Wellness Juice Cleanse program. It has given us immense pleasure to keep you well informed and make you aware of the benefits of juicing. In this last video, we give you details of how to get started with a juicing…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTXRp9phHQs In our last post, we talked about the benefits of juicing and how important it is to choose the right juice. Today, I thought it would do you good if I could answer some of the most frequently asked questions about juice cleansing. The questions that I frequently encounter from people visiting my clinic…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzgmNhR4xz8&t=343s In this Video, we are thrilled to share with you more about our Young Wellness Juice Cleanse. What is exactly juicing? Are we talking about fruit juices or vegetable juices? What should be your thumb rule in selecting the right juices? In this video, we talk about the 5 major benefits of Young Wellness…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4fSNSZNTNA&t=14s There are a lot of misconceptions about the term ‘Juicing’ and we want to clear the air and answer all your questions. Let’s start with this video which explains the very basic question – Is Juicing Really Good for You? This video also explains that juicing is not just about consuming all exotic fruits…
Once we enter the fourth decade in our lives, we become more prone to certain diseases and physiological conditions that may stay with us for the rest of our lives. These include: heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, and so on; you are also likely to be more vulnerable to stroke and cancer as the years…
There is a lot of talk in the United States about probiotic supplements, and how they are great for health. Traditionally, there is a very small amount of probiotics in our regular food; but in several European and Asian cuisines, it is widely used and consumed. Fermented foods and drinks contain probiotics, and have been…